Using e-media
Several thousand e-journals, e-books, and databases are available to you 24 hours a day, campus-wide, with few exceptions. The e-media can be used on campus or from home. In addition, we list numerous freely available e-media.
Please note the legal information1 regarding the use of electronic media.
You can search for licensed e-journals, e-books and databases as well as freely available media using the bonnus search portal2. For more information, read the bonnus help page3 (currently only in German).
Within DBIS 4(Database Information System) and EZB5 ("Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek - Electronic Journals Library") the different license types of electronic media are marked with a traffic light system.

The USL is responsible for licensing e-media, acting as a licensee on behalf of the entire university and handling the licensing process. If you would like to suggest an e-medium to the USL to acquire, our subject specialists6 will be happy to assist you.
Access to electronic resources in the university network that are subject to a fee is provided within the framework of license and usage agreements between the USL and database providers.
Explicitly prohibited within the context of all licenses are:
- Systematic downloads, such as all the articles from a journal issue or extensive parts of a book. Failure to comply will result in automatic blocking.
- Sharing or distributing downloaded documents
- Passing on access data
Please also read our information on using copyrighted documents7 (currently only in German).
Members of the University of Bonn have the opportunity to access the licensed e-media stock from outside the university. Dialling into the university network is always done via the personal account8 (Uni-ID and password) that students receive at the time of registration and members of staff at the University IT.
It is necessary to use a so-called VPN client9 for dialling in. This free of charge additional software allows a secure connection between any PC with internet access and the data network of the university.
Moreover, more and more databases use Shibboleth10 to sign on with your Uni-ID.
There is an exception for members outside the university in the case of national licenses11.
Anyone with an interest in science can use these outside the university campus. For this purpose, individuals with permanent residence within the Federal Republic of Germany can make a personal registration for free of charge access.
» Detailed information can be found on the websites of the University IT about:
Linking service
The USL Bonn linking service is based on the Alma Linkresolver and provides you with the shortest path to your desired document.
E-media Support
We are there for you with any questions you may have about e-media.