
Training and tutorials
The USL organizes a wide range of introductory and training sessions for anyone keen to get to know our library and its services a bit better.

Specialist advice
The team of subject librarians can give you wide-ranging specialist advice on things like literature searches, reference management and requesting the purchase of new items.

Reference management
Reference management programs help users to collate, sort and process their references. The USL regularly holds trainings on the Citavi reference management program.

Scanning service for digital teaching
If you need items for your course that are only available in hard copy form and only in the Main Library or MNL Branch Library, the USL will be happy to support you with its scanning service for digital teaching.

Digitization service
The USL allows you to request digital reproductions of its holdings for your own use.

Services for departments and institutes
Details of the USL Bonn’s services for the departments and institutes at the University of Bonn. These include a wide range of information, advice and other library services.

Media Center
The Media Center in the MNL Branch Library offers PC workstations, equipment loans and training sessions and serves as a one-stop shop for all the University of Bonn’s media offerings.

Actionbound Rallyes
Would you like to get to know the USL on your own? Then our Actionbound Rallyes are just the thing for you.

Discover the University of Bonn’s learning platform with a wide range of e-learning services. Make the most of its services relating to the learning platform, e-teaching, media service, webcasts and e-assessment and be inspired by the world of e-learning.
The eCampus e-learning services are a joint project by the USL, University IT and the Bonn Center for Higher Education.