Universität Bonn

University and State Library


Digital Humanities

USL Bonn’s service and advisory offer for scientists and researchers. We look forward to taking part in an exchange about your research projects and would like to get into conversation with you to talk about standards, formats and methods of Digital Humanities.

Service range and consultancy service

We support you in the selection of suitable practices and workflows geared towards your individual research project. Our consultancy service ranges from practical support in developing project proposals and digitisation to work in digital research environments as well as sustainable storing of data and publication.

We collaborate closely with the Research Data Service Center1 (cooperation between USL and HRZ), the responsible subject specialists2, the Bonn Center for Digital Humanities3 (in German) and the Research Support section4 and develop joint support solutions.

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  • Consultative support in all phases of a research project (planning, conception, application, implementation, publication)
  • Consultation on planning and conceptual work of research projects in the area of Digital Humanities
  • Support during the application process in close collaboration with the Research Support section and the Research Data Service Center
  • Assistance and advice in the selection of methods, tools and data formats for your project
  • Support in searching, selecting and evaluating technical solutions
  • Advice and support regarding the field of research data management via the Research Data Service Center (preparing a Data Management Plan, long-term archiving, data publication)


  • Digitization of material with our professional digitisation infrastructure
  • OCR of printed or handwritten texts with the Software  Transkribus5 (we can offer special conditions)
  • Assistance in text markup according to the TEI-Guidelines and the use of the Oxygen XML-Editor6 (the USL provides a licence for research and teaching: download and licence 
  • Publication support (electronic publishing, publication of research data)
  • Workshops and events regarding different aspects and tools (feel free to contact us if you have any specific suggestions or preferences)
  • Introductory guest lectures

Data services

The USL provides currently access to the following data which can be used for research projects:

  • Zeitpunkt.nrw7: Digitised historical newspaper from North Rhine-Westphalia, partly with OCR. If you are interested in a large amount of data, please contact us (available formats: txt, XML, jpeg, pdf).
  • Digital collections8: Our  digital collections contain a variety of full texts which can be made available in various formats (avalaible formats: txt, XML, jpeg, pdf).

Further information

In the following section, you will find a short list of relevant websites. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us: dh@ulb.uni-bonn.de

  • DHd9 - Digital Humanities Association in the German-speaking area
  • DHdBlog10
    Weblog dedicated to Digital Humanities in the German-speaking area
  • DARIAH-DE11 - Digital Research Infrastructure for the Arts and Humanities
    Research association dedicated to the establishment of a digital research infrastructure for tools and research data and development of material for teaching and further education in the field of Digital Humanities
  • CLARIN-D12 - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure Germany
    Research association to build an infrastructure for linguistic data, tools and services from the disciplines of the humanities and social sciences
  • TextGrid13
    Virtual research environment for humanities
  • BCDH14 - Bonn Center for Digital Humanities
  • CCeH15 - Cologne Center for eHumanities
  • GCDH16 - Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities
  • Trier Center for Digital Humanities17


Please contact us under dh@ulb.uni-bonn.de if you have questions regarding your project or if you would like to know more about  Digital Humanities in general. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We are happy to offer individual appointments - in person, by telephone or via video conference.

Avatar Läpke

Stefanie Läpke

Contact person for Digital Humanities and humanities research data at the USL Bonn and the Research Data Service Center.
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