Universität Bonn

University and State Library

20. January 2025

EBSCOhost: New user interface EBSCOhost - new user interface from 1st of February

EBSCOhost databases will have a new user interface from 1st of February 2025.

ebscohost-new-look.png - EBSCOhost - neues UI für die Datenbanksuche © © 2025 EBSCO Information Services
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Based on tests, accessibility standards and user feedback, the previous user interface of EBSCOhost's databases has been completely redesigned. This new user interface will be available to all users from 1st of February. The URLs will not change and you can access the databases as usual. As before, members of the University of Bonn can access EBSCOhost from outside the university via a VPN connection1 or Shibboleth2.

In addition, the personal dashboard has been revised.

Have you created your own profile and, if applicable, folders with subfolders at EBSCOhost?

No: You don't need to do anything.

Yes: You will need to adjust your folder structure until 31st of January 2025, as subfolders will not be migrated. We therefore recommend that move data from subfolders to the main folder by the end of January. Please follow these instructions from the provider EBSCOhost Folder migration3 (only german).

According to EBSCOhost, it will be possible to download these subfolders from April onwards. EBSCOhost already offers instructions for this in its help pages.

What else is changing?

There are new options for sharing and ‘liking’ content as well as reading e-books.

Which databases are affected?

The following databases are affected by the change to the user interface:

Help pages of the provider  EBSCOhost:

If you have any questions, please contact ebib@ulb.uni-bonn.de

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