Universität Bonn

University and State Library

New Students

A warm welcome to the University of Bonn! We’re delighted to see that you’re interested in the USL and its services.
This website contains all the information you need to get started as a first-semester student.

Get to know us!

We provide you with the literature you need for your studies, other information and services, and study and work spaces to meet your needs.

At the beginning of each winter semester, in addition to our short introductions, there will be a Welcome Desk in the foyer of the Main Library. We will be happy to meet you there and provide you with information about the USL and its services. The University Computing Center (HRZ) also offers assistance in setting up Wi-Fi. 

Drei Studierende betrachten etwas auf einem Laptop.
© Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn

Introductions at the beginning of the semester

Tour of the Main Library (on-site)1
Main Library
01:00 PM - 01:30 PM
Are you a new student or have you never set foot in the library? At the beginning of each semester, we offer short tours through the library.
Tour of the MNL Branch Library (on-site)2
MNL Branch Library
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Are you a new student or have you never set foot in the library? At the beginning of each semester, we offer short tours through the library.

Learning Snack

Get to know the ULB interactively.

Are you new to the University of Bonn and would like to get to know the library interactively? Or you simply want to refresh your knowledge about our services? Then join us for our Learning Snack.

Applying for a library card

You will need a valid library card before you can use any of the services at the USL Bonn. You can apply for one quickly and easily online

Your card can be used in the Main Library, the MNL Branch Library and the Library of Mathematics.

Studierende verlassen das Hauptgebäude
© Barbara Frommann / Universität Bonn

It’s all new in bonnus?! — How do I log in?

Searching for literature

The University libraries hold a large number of printed media (monographs and periodicals) on site.

All the collections can be searched for using our bonnus search portal, which also contains open-source and licensed e-media complete with full-text access. To start your search, go to our homepage.

Main Library

Studying the humanities, social sciences, law, economics, theology or psychology?

Then you’ll find literature for your studies in the Main Library at Adenauerallee 39–41.

MNL Branch Library

Studying medicine, natural sciences or agricultural sciences? 

Then the MNL Branch Library at Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4 is just the right place for you.

Faculty libraries

Needless to say, the relevant faculty library will also hold literature on your subject.

Find a workspace

Looking for a quiet individual workspace in an atmosphere that’s conducive to concentration?

Over 500 of the spaces available in the Main Library and MNL Branch Library can be reserved by University members.

Besides video and working spaces, we also provide group study areas, which only students at the University of Bonn are allowed to book.

Reading room in the Main Library
Reading room in the Main Library © Volker Lannert / Universität Bonn

Frequently asked questions

You can find the “Mein Konto” (“My Account”) login link right underneath the bonnus search field on the homepage.

Your user number is the number on the back of your library card. You can choose your own password.

Our bonnus search portal will tell you which library, if any, holds the book you’re after. You will see its location and the shelf mark you need in order to find the book on the shelves. 

The Main Library and MNL Branch Library keep their collections in stacks. Some of these are freely accessible, while others have to be ordered.

In addition, some items cannot be taken off the premises but can only be used on site.

Our “Borrowing and Ordering9” page tells you everything you need to know about the various borrowing statuses.

The textbook collection of the Main Library is on the first basement floor and constitutes a separate section of the open stacks. The textbook collection of the MNL Branch Library is partly on the ground floor and partly on the first basement floor.

It has been put together exclusively for students at the University of Bonn and contains a sizable number of copies of the most common and most important textbooks for individual subjects arranged systematically.

Find the shelf mark of your chosen book on bonnus and then get it from the shelf yourself!

Students at the University of Bonn can use our range of licensed e-media10 from home.

All you need to do is install a VPN client11. This will allow you to log into the University network and access all our full-text documents from the comfort of your home using your Uni-ID and your chosen password.


Main Library


+49 228  73-7525



Adenauerallee 39-41
53113 Bonn

MNL Branch Library


+49 228 73-3405



Friedrich-Hirzebruch-Allee 4 
53115 Bonn

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