bonndoc Publication Workflow
The bonndoc Publication Workflow gives members of the University of Bonn a detailed step-by-step instruction on how to submit a publication electronically.
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Research and teaching
bonndoc - the publication server at the University of Bonn
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Overview_bonndoc metadata fields.pdf
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Searching for literature
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Literature and e-media
Searching for literature
Looking for a particular book, periodical or periodical article or for general literature on your subject? We will show you how best to proceed, what search ...
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Literature and e-media
Tips and tricks for finding the books you want. How can you tell whether a book is in a University library and, if so, what format it is in?
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Literature and e-media
Searching for literature
Searching for periodical articles
Tips and tricks for finding the periodical article you want. Still cannot find your article on bonnus? Try the following alternative search methods.
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Literature and e-media
Searching for literature
Looking for literature on a particular subject?
Wondering how best to go about scoping out relevant literature for your work? You can find some tips and useful information here.
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Literature and e-media
Searching for literature
Searching for newspapers
Find out here how you can tell whether the USL holds a certain newspaper and, if so, how many issues and in what format.
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Literature and e-media
Searching for literature
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Aktuelles aus der ULB