Universität Bonn

University and State Library

17. January 2023

Reconstruction of the Lerncafé starts Reconstruction of the Lerncafé starts

New workspaces for groups in the Main Library

Reconstruction of the Lerncafé starts
Reconstruction of the Lerncafé starts © colourbox.de
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On Monday, Jan. 23, 2023, the renovation of the Lerncafé in the Main Library is starting.

First of all, the carpet will be replaced. This work will take 3-4 days. Please be prepared for increased noise. The Lerncafé can not be used during this time.

Since we do not yet know when the new furniture will arrive, the current furniture is temporarily being reassembled.

New workspaces for groups

To respond to the need for additional work spaces, the Lerncafé will be remodeled in the spring. Modern sound- and view-protected learning boxes can be used by university students for group work in the coming future.

The snack area will be reduced to accommodate the new concept of space. Snacks and cold drinks can still be obtained from vending machines. For coffee breaks, the Juri§hop in the Juridicum (Adenauerallee 24) will be available.

We are pleased to finally be able to put the long-planned room concept into practice.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our colleagues at the information desk.

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